
Singerie Screen in 7x7

September issue of 7x7 Magazine has included a shot of my singerie screen in their home and design section.
A Delicate Matter - Care for your bare necessities with these pretty picks for your laundry room. by Leilani Labong


  1. I wonder if you could help me locate a wood screen to finish myself? I love the design of your Singerie Screen...I'm not sure if that is a reference to the design of the screen itself, or your design. Thank you,

    1. Hi Darlene. This screen was custom built for me as I needed it to be large enough to cover an enormous water heater and be sturdy like a room divider. I have never seen wooden screens for sale that were not already decorated, so I recommend you contact a trustworthy carpenter and have one built, or fashion one from wooden folding doors and 2-way hinges. Thanks for visiting!

    2. "Singerie" is a reference to the design-- it means "monkey trick" and describes the French tradition of decoration featuring monkeys wearing clothes and doing silly human things.


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