
The Second Earl of Wold

My portrait of Erling Wold is included in Anna Conti's Artist as Subject project- an on-line gallery show with some amazing work by local as well as internationally noted artists.


Dramaticaly Inclined

Lynne Rutter's murals "The Pearl Earring"  featured in House Beautiful "Beautiful Baths"

This mural is 10 x 13 feet and painted on canvas. It covers a wall which once had a view-less window and makes a focal point of what would otherwise be visual dead end.
I painted this mural for Ellen Broadhurst's master bathroom a few years ago, and though it uses the image from Vermeer's famous masterpiece, it is painted at a surreal scale- 600% of the original size using a completely different painting techniques- lot of layers of acrylic paint, and highlights applied by dry brushing.
She finally got some press from House Beautiful.
Beautiful Baths special issue, August 2006, pages 84-91
available at amazon.com


Pow-Wow Network interviews Lynne

I've met so many wonderful women in the design business, through San Francisco's Pow-Wow Network.
In March 2006, they published this interview of me, with pictures, and intimate details....

click on image to read article at full size.


"Grand Illusions"

February, 2006
I am featured in Silicon Valley Home magazine in the article
"Grand Illusions: Custom-Painted Murals" by Tiffany Carboni