
Postcard from Paris

Interior of the Sainte-Chapelle, Paris
Just back from two wonderful weeks in Paris and environs, and having to hit the ground running.
Will be back with more soon!

Sainte-Chapelle brilliant with some recently restored windows in late afternoon sun.
photo by Lynne Rutter October 2011
click on image to view larger


  1. What a wonderful shot! It looks like you almost were lying on the floor!

  2. Stunning! I don't believe I've ever been to that church. (I just looked it up, and I'm realizing that I don't remember ever going to the Île de la Cité at all.) Those windows are very impressive.

    I look forward to seeing/reading more about your trip.

  3. Looking forward to seeing Paris through your eyes...

  4. Definitely looking forward to seeing the sites of Paris!

  5. thanks for visiting- I hope to post some more soon!

  6. This is a stunning image, Lynne - I like how the reds and blues predominate to give a purple cast to the whole space - beautiful!


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