
Postcard from Berlin

Chinesisches Haus, Sanssouci, Postsdam
We've been visiting Berlin and environs for the last two weeks. Many lovely pictures. Stay tuned!


  1. oooh! nice. Lynne, was this house - especially the interior - featured in World of Interiors last issue? Looking forward to the fabulous pictures.


  2. You have shared some beautiful images.....take it all in ...and come back safe!

  3. I love the color combination — it reminds me of spumoni!

  4. Ooooh Lynne, I'm looking forward to this. There are at least three places in Potsdam on my wish list. Never got there yet.

  5. spumoni! i love it! and i love that they gilt the window sashes on this. fantastiche!

  6. Yes the Chinesische Haus at Potsdam is such a wonderfully complete chinoiserie environment, inside and out. And the murals inside are extraordinary, too - no doubt you will be showing more images shortly.

    I just read your article about chinoiserie at Artisphere Online (http://bit.ly/fQhuGX) and I so agree with your comment that every era has created its own version of chinoiserie. I think one of the most fascinating things about this style is what it tells us about ourselves (and about seventeenth- and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe and America).

  7. Emile, thanks for stopping by... I adore your blog. I wish I could have got inside this pavilion, it seems every time I visit it is winter and the thing is closed until April. what torture! When will I learn to check opening dates before planning travel? I did get a great Chinoiserie fix at Charlottenburg so I feel a little better.


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