
New York: Winter Windows

christmas on mars: extravagant macy's window

mixing business and pleasure, last week i made a short trip to new york, to work on a gilt ceiling with my friend bruce thalman.
my first night there i had a veritable holly golightly moment when bruce and john took me to herald square, to macy's at a somewhat late hour so we could get that midnight shopping experience. the windows currently have a splendid santa-in-space theme.

the following day, while waiting for some surface to cure, bruce and i spent an incredible afternoon at one of my favorite places - abc carpet and home.

their windows, as most of the inside of the store, are of an indian/world beat theme. thousands of crystals, and i mean the vingettes are packed with them, act as a snowy landscape.

i didn't have my camera on me for the fantastic tony duquette-inspired bergdorf windows, but fortunately posted some shots.

want to see more lovely window displays? check out the amazing vitrines of paris and london as reported at tara bradford's paris parfait.


  1. These windows are terrific! Thanks so much for the nod to my photos, as well. Happy holidays! Tara at Paris Parfait

  2. Sweetie...Please come back to our New York home again soon...It was such a pleasure having you as our guest...Thank you for the help on the ceiling...xoxo


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