
Recent Press for Moi

Today I learned my interview with the Faux Finisher Magazine resulted in the cover story for the Spring 2010 issue, including a seven page spread about my "illustrious and varied career"  with lots of color pictures.  PDF of article here.
This is a painting and decorating trade magazine published by the PDRA, for specialists in the decorative painting industry.


  1. ...clink....!

    A well deserved honor.

  2. Very Cool I enjoyed the article!

  3. Congratulations, your work is amazing and you have certainly earned that honor. I just discovered your blog and particularly enjoyed the photos of the Boston Back Bay school of Optometry. I will be visiting Boston soon and hope to sneak in, thanks for the tip.
    X David

  4. I don't receive the magazine, but your article is well deserved. I've mentioned it before...your work is excellent, as is your writing and apparently everything else you do:-) Congrats!


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