
tea towels

kitchen linens by tikoli

tea towels. somewhere along the line i started collecting them.
not the terry-cloth hand-wipers you see everywhere, but nice, smooth lint-free souvenirs with kiwis or scenes from nürnberg on them.
maybe I get the tendency from my grandmother, jane coley, whose fabulous collection of linens i had displayed in my vintage laundry earlier this year during the san francisco decorator showcase house.

maja brugos is my second cousin; the grand-daughter of jane's sister lenore; and it seems she has the linen bug in her as well. she's a talented graphic designer who has created a line of lovely kitchen towels available at her site as well as a number of swell shops across the country.

i'm pretty sure all of these will look great in my wasabi-green kitchen!


  1. I think we need to see your wasabi green kitchen!

  2. thanks for the mention!

  3. I, too, find tea towels very collectable. The trick for me is keeping them away from my husband, the very messy chef. These featured here are wonderful!

  4. Highly enjoyable website! Thank you for sharing such talent!

  5. I collect tea towels too- and use them. We have mostly British and Italian/Sud Tirol ones at this point.


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