

detail of a ceiling in the Uffizi

My heart is broken, I said.  So is your ankle, he said.

The ancient cobblestones in this ancient city are famously treacherous.  We've had a very interesting week figuring out how to navigate with a wheelchair; how to manage 135 stone steps up to our flat on crutches; and how to rest a camera on a crutch while photographing a ceiling.

The universe is telling me to slow down and look where I am going. One stone step at a time.



  1. Excellent advice Lynne. It happened to me and I now look where I am going. No more eyes at beautiful ceilings and skies, especially in unfamiliar territory.
    Sorry for your broken ankle.

    1. Hello Gina nice to see you here! Yes I probably tripped 300 times in this place before I actually injured myself. I got distracted for one second and down I went. So embarrassing!

  2. Ow ow ow .... perfect picture... no wonder you were looking up...!
    I hope you heal quickly!

  3. oh wow Lynne ... quick recovery to you !!!
    I am traveling through Guadeloupe this winter
    my husband walked with a cane now
    so yes .. it s good to slow down !!
    sometimes you get to see more lol
    All the Best - Sylvie B

    1. thanks, Sylvie-- I have noticed SO much more from the wheelchair. But also just saying "no, can't do it right now" sometimes, it's such a relief


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